About us


The Oxford Brookes Real Estate Management Society (OBREMS) is the alumni association of Oxford Brookes University graduates who work in the real estate sector.

The aim of the society is to develop and strengthen the links between the School of the Built Environment at Oxford Brookes University and its graduates through an active and engaged alumni community.

The society is aimed at helping alumni stay in touch and connect with the wider industry at networking and professional development events, as well as social and reunion events.

With the alumni network you can:

  • Attend networking and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Events

  • Become a dedicated mentor to a second year student

  • Meet old friends and support the aims of the society at reunion events such as the Annual Dinner

  • Make a donation to support current students and projects

  • Connect through the online community

OBREMS is also looking to support the University to raise its profile and status as an internationally leading centre of real estate education and research. We aim to achieve this through raising the profile of the University’s alumni as well as through direct support to the University and its students.

This could be in the form of financial contributions towards the running of academic courses or research projects, whereas support to students may be by way of mentoring or the provision of sponsorships or scholarships.

To this end, there is a close working relationship between the Society’s committee and Real Estate department at the University.

"Since the society’s birth in 2006 by Tom Leeming, it has seen growth beyond its dreams. 

OBREMS is now well established within the university and property industry, alumni span from graduates since the course inception in the 70’s to the most recent today.  

Members are not just based in the UK, but from across Europe, Australia, Asia and the Emirates. 

The graduate mentoring scheme has seen great success for 100’s of students over the years.

Years of invaluable knowledge and experience passed down from mentors with future ideas passed up by the mentees.  This keeps the real estate course current and industry leading. 

Having a society with a common ground makes it easier to connect with others and the networking events such as CPD, Panel debates, team sports and the yearly annual dinner every November brings this all together.

Over the years significant funds have been raised from these events to support graduates in most need, enabling them to succeed in their studies. 

We are always interested in hearing from members with fresh ideas or joining the committee, please do get in touch. “

James Stacey, Chairman of OBREMS
